Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Collaborative Technologies

We learned about some great collaborative technologies in class last Tuesday, such as online conference sites (e.g. Yugma, Vyew, etc.) and collaborative note taking tools such as Google Docs and NoteMesh.

I think the online conferencing sites are extremely convenient, but it seems to be limited to older students. I think it would be a great tool for college students to use for group projects. College students are known to be very busy and group projects are often really difficult to do, because it's hard to meet up at a certain place. With Yugma or Vyew, students can do so in the comfort of their home. It makes life so much more convenient and it's a lot better than everyone hovering over one computer screen.

Notemesh and Google Docs are great tools for teachers that support collaborative learning. Students can write notes together. It can be edited why any member of the group. I like this idea, but I see an issue that may happen with this. A student might accidentally delete another person's note or edit it without permission, but since it rarely happens, I think that these collaborative note taking technologies are worth trying.

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